Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hello There! and happy new year :3 I'm gonna make more drawing but in one condition it's not really pretty easy though my holiday is going to end and it really pretty sad :( I have so much fun when school is closed so I was busy with my drawing and other, i'll make more video of speedpainting if I can :P Thanks for reading it!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Today I've been drawing a new character it's not mine character it RANDOM character that I made! :3 Hope you don't get any mistakes.
Hello there! :3 I have a new drawing for all of you to see but some of them are NOT in the video so please don't ask me about the video but you guys can still ask something different, ok?

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hey everyone! This is my "First blogger" so yeah... I love to draw and playing games which are horror one and virtual games or adventure, that's my favourite thing to do :P
But I just going to do the "SpeedPainting". Because I'm going to be busy, I'm busy because I need times to practice my drawing or doing some homework *My teacher may give me a lot of homework*That's making me more sad I love to make a video of "SpeedPaint" but it going to take me a lot of times to think about the pose or the colour because it's not going to be easy if it me -_-'
so yeah... I'm going to make a video sometimes so don't be mad, ok?
Hope you guys watching my VIDEO! :3